Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How to control MPD with your Android Phone

I hope you know how to set up your network. This post won't cover that topic and just goes straight to the settings of MPD.
I'm using Doid MPD Client to control MPD from my phone. I haven't tested any other MPD client yet but I guess they are similar to Doid MPD.

First of all bind your MPD to your internal IP or DNS by editing these lines in your mpd.conf: bind_to_address "<your IP or DNS>"
port "6600"

You can also add a password: password "<your password>@read,add,control,admin" The options behind @ can be mix and matched the way you need them. Even multiple lines of the password setting are possible for different passwords with different options.

Don't forget to restart MPD after doing changes in mpd.conf.

The Droid MPD client is available in the Android Market: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.soreha.droidmpdclient

Just install it, configure the IP, port and password you've set up in your mpd.conf in the settings of Droid MPD client and enjoy a neat remote control for your music.

Monday, November 14, 2011

USB-Tethering with Android and Zen-Kernel

This Post is out of date. Use the updated version.

These are the modules I've enabled for usb-tethering with my Android phone.
I'm not sure if I really need the embedded arm module. I was too lazy to test it. ^^
Most important thing, it should work with these settings.

-> Device Drivers
 -> Network device support (NETDEVICES [=y])
  <m> Generic Media Independent Interface device support
  -> USB Network Adapters
   <m> Multi-purpose USB Networking Framework      
   -M-   CDC Ethernet support (smart devices such as cable modems)
    <m>   CDC EEM support
    <m>   Host for RNDIS and ActiveSync devices (EXPERIMENTAL)
    <m>   Simple USB Network Links (CDC Ethernet subset)
     [*]     Embedded ARM Linux links (iPaq, ...)

Just connect your phone via usb and enable usb-tethering in the settings. A new device called usb0 should appear.

If you don't use wicd or any other network manager which manages dhcp, then do the following as root in a shell to fetch an IP:

dhcpcd usb0

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sunflower ebuild

I've wanted to make an ebuild for sunflower a while ago, but uni and moving kept me a little too busy.
But, a good news, someone did so and it's available in maksbotan overlay.
I haven't tested it yet nor do i know if it's a live ebuild.

To install sunflower do this:
layman -a maksbotan
emerge sunflower

Saturday, October 29, 2011

~pokes the blog~

Hey hey..

I'm kind of back again after moving closer to university.
It took almost a month to get inet here and a whole day to bring my Gentoo box up to date again >.<

All updates went surprisingly pretty smooth. Only Oracles jdk annoys a little. I think I'll switch to icedtea o.O
I've seen that gtk3 isn't going well with qtconfig and gtkstyle, though. Or better, I guess gtk3 is the issue. I hope I'll find a workaround for that in the next days. Soo for all who really really need gtkstyle in qt, don't set the gtk3 useflag yet ^^

What else to say uhm.. oh, there will be an additional topic in this blog soon. I've got an Android phone.. yay for that ^_^

And for all of you guys who are alone at home at a Saturday night.. the cutest Caramelldansen vid I've ever seen.. she's sooo cheery ^^

Yes yes.. don't worry guys.. my next posts will be more serious again.. soo stay tuned~ ^^

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I've put some of my config files online which are related to the posts on my blog. MPD, mpdscribble and asoundrc are included. I hope they are a little helpful.

bitbucket dotfiles

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

MPC, xbindkeys and multimedia keys

I want to use my multimedia keys with MPD even without an always running client.
Here's one way to make it work independently of the used window manager.

Install MPC and xbindkeys:

emerge mpc xbindkeys

Start xbindkeys to find the right settings and press the key you want to bind:

xbindkeys -k

If you don't get any output at all, use the following switch:

xbindkeys -mk

The output should look like this, it's my toggle play/pause key:

"(Scheme function)"
m:0x10 + c:172
Mod2 + XF86AudioPlay

"(Scheme function)" might be "NoCommand" in your case.

Copy the output into ~/.xbindkeysrc and replace "(Scheme function)" or "NoCommand" with the command for mpc:

"mpc toggle"
m:0x10 + c:172
Mod2 + XF86AudioPlay

Do this for all the multimedia keys you want to use.

My .xbindkeysrc looks like this:

"mpc toggle"
m:0x10 + c:172
Mod2 + XF86AudioPlay

"mpc prev"
m:0x10 + c:173
Mod2 + XF86AudioPrev

"mpc next"
m:0x10 + c:171
Mod2 + XF86AudioNext

"mpc volume -2"
m:0x10 + c:121
Mod2 + XF86AudioMute

"mpc volume 0"
m:0x10 + c:122
Mod2 + XF86AudioLowerVolume

"mpc volume +2"
m:0x10 + c:123
Mod2 + XF86AudioRaiseVolume

And yes.. my mute and lower volume keys seem to be switched for any unknown reason. You have to check if it's this case for you too, otherwise fit the commands to your needs.

Check the man page of MPC for all possible parameters:

man mpc

Finally start xbindkeys and add it to your autostart:

xbindkeys &

There are still two small issues.
a) MPC can't toggle mute or restore the volume after mute.
b) Toggling play/pause is working but I don't get sound for any reason when it starts to play again. I have to skip to the next song to hear the music again.

Monday, July 11, 2011

mpdscribble 0.22

Mpdscribble 0.22 was released three days ago and the curl bug seems to be fixed.
I've added it to the install instruction.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Scribble, Scrabble, Scrobble.. MPD and last.fm

I'm using mpdscribble for last.fm scrobbling from now on since scrobby isn't in portage anymore.

And again I had to create and copy some stuff because I want to run it as my normal user like I also do with MPD.

Here's the way how I've made it work:

Mpdscribble <=0.21 has a small bug and doesn't work with >=curl-7.21.0, so the curl useflag needs to be disabled in /etc/portage/package.use:

media-sound/mpdscribble -curl


Unmask the most recent version v0.22 in /etc/portage/package.keywords:


Install mpdscribble:

emerge mpdscribble

Create the needed directories in your user home:

mkdir -p ~/.config/mpdscribble

Copy the config file from /etc/mpdscribble.conf to ~/.config/mpdscribble. You need to be root for doing so because the config file is only readable as root.

sudo cp /etc/mpdscribble.conf /home/<your user>/.config/mpdscribble/

Edit the config file ~/.config/mpdscribble/mpdscribble.conf but take care to use full pathes:

pidfile = /home/<your user>/.config/mpdscribble/mpdscribble.pid
log = /home/<your user>/.config/mpdscribble/mpdscribble.log
verbose = 1

url = http://post.audioscrobbler.com/
username = <your last.fm user>
password = <your last.fm password>
journal = /home/<your user>/.config/mpdscribble/lastfm.journal

Everything else is commented out.

Now you can start mpdscribble:

mpdscribble --conf ~/.config/mpdscribble/mpdscribble.conf

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sunflower - A GTK Twinpanel File Manager

I've recently found a great replacement for Krusader.
It is still early alpha and there isn't an ebuild for it yet but it's pretty stable already.

I'm going to make an ebuild later this week.

Just fetching the source, unpacking it and starting the Sunflower.py will do the job if you want to test it already.

Home of Sunflower FM

QT apps in a GTK environment

QT applications which don't require kdelibs or other parts of KDE can easily be installed with a matching GTK theme. I'm using Picard and SMplayer for example.

Though, it needs some preparations to have a small and clean QT install and be able to switch the theme.

I'm using the default/linux/amd64/10.0/desktop profile to set my global environment.

My USE-Flags in /etc/make.conf:

-qt4 -accessibility -plasma -jit -exceptions

USE-Flags in /etc/portage/package.use:

dev-python/PyQt4 -svg -webkit -multimedia -opengl
x11-libs/qt-gui -cups -mng -tiff gtkstyle
net-libs/webkit-gtk jit
x11-libs/qt-sql -postgres -sqlite

It's important to enable qt3support, which is standard in the desktop profile. Then you won't need KDE's systemsettings because the qt3support package comes with a small tool called qtconfig to switch the theme. The 'GTK-alike' theme is built when you enable the gtkstyle USE-Flag.
All other USE-Flag should match your personal needs. I've disabled almost everything because I don't need support for most things in Picard or SMplayer.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

belak overlay

I've merged most important ebuilds from zentoo to belak overlay.

There are actually only two ebuild which went there:

A nice advantage for all who are using these ebuilds.. belak is in the layman list and can easily be added with "layman -a belak".

I'll keep those two up to date in belak overlay from now on.. soo please add it ^^

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Scribes ebuild

There is a new slim Scribes ebuild in my overlay and also on the gentoo bugtracker.
I've killed lots of dependencies, namely the whole gnome-desktop dependency, and the ebuild is pulling only into the really needed packages now.

For all who were afraid of using it because of the ~70+ packages which had to be emerged for it.. this is your chance. Get your hands on the simple, slim and sleek, yet powerful editor Scribes.

Oh, just to mention it.. I really don't know if scribes will work for you with those less dependencies. It does it for me, so just give it a try ^^

Home of Scribes
Bugreport on gentoo bugtracker

Thursday, February 3, 2011

MPD clients in new Android Market

There are some Android Apps for MPD in the new Android Market.


Saturday, January 15, 2011


Small info about the editor Scribes..

I've created an ebuild for the most recent version of Scribes, since the version in the portage doesn't work for me anymore.
I'm trying to keep it up to date until a maintainer will be found for it.

Home of Scribes
ebuild in my overlay